Home » (260) 897-0000

Who called from 2608970000

Format of mobile phone numbers
Mobile phone number: (260) 897-0000 , 260 897 0000 , 2608970000
Mobile phone number in international format: +1 260-897-0000 , 1 260 897 0000

Phone number information

Phone number location: Avilla, Indiana, USA
US phone area code: 260
Phone number prefix: 260897
Number of views: 71
This is Mr James Obi , i registered your Inheritance Claim`s ATM CARD of (US$2.5M) with DHL Express with registration code of (96776), please Contact with your delivery information: DHL OFFICE: Name: Mr Franklin Lucas. E-mail: ( dhlcourierconpanybenin10@messageden.com ) he have paid for the Insurance & Delivery fee.The only fee you have to pay is their Security fee only is $350. Please indicate the registration Number of (22-87457 ) Security fee $350 that you can pay it. Best Regards. Mr James Obi
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Recommended comments on other phone numbers
This phone number is «Timothy M Lynch Atty», located at 425 G St Ste 420Anchorage, AK 99501 (Alaska)
This phone number is «Glenn E Cravez Law Office», located at 880 N St Ste 203Anchorage, AK 99501 (Alaska)
This phone number is «Ralph Attorney Ertz At Law», located at 800 E Dimond Blvd Ste 3-520Anchorage, AK 99515 (Alaska)
This phone number is «Glen Price Law Office», located at 531 S Cobb StPalmer, AK 99645 (Alaska)
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